
Welcome from the team


We are pleased to welcome you to the Neighbourhood Resilience website.

We have created this online resource for anyone working in local areas to reduce health inequalities – including public sector professionals and community activists.

We have translated lessons from the Neighbourhood Resilience Programme (NRP). This programme was implemented in nine neighbourhoods in North West England between 2016 and 2019 by the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) North West Coast (now superseded by the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) NWC https://arc-nwc.nihr.ac.uk).

An interactive tool is designed to share learning from this programme and pose questions for those considering various theoretical and practical approaches to reducing health inequalities in neighbourhoods. Case studies of the nine neighbourhoods offer insight into the opportunities and challenges encountered and the impacts that can be achieved through a neighbourhood resilience approach.

There is also information on the Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN), a key element of the programme that sought to forge more equal relationships between system players, as well as a range of other resources.

Professor Jennie Popay who led the team said: “This approach aims to enhance the collective capacities of everybody living and working in a neighbourhood, and the organisations operating there, to deliver co-ordinated action to improve the root causes of health inequalities.”

Professor Mark Gabbay director of the NIHR ARC NWC said: “This was an innovative and landmark programme that we at NIHR CLAHRC and now NIHR ARC NWC are truly proud of. It demonstrates true in-depth public involvement and community empowerment to reduce inequalities and improve health and wellbeing.”

Our approach to resilience through working with the local system in a neighbourhood, the impacts and challenges encountered were shared at the recent King’s Fund Conference ‘Community is the Best Medicine’. Presenting alongside Asset Based Community Development programmes, we shared similarities and differences. We hope the information in this website will help you join the debate.

We would welcome feedback from visitors and users of the website. You can contact us by email [email protected] or twitter @placeresilience.

Jennie Popay, Linda Heaton and Harris Kaloudis
22nd July 2021