Neighbourhood Resilience Programme Outputs
A collection of outputs from the Neighbourhood Resilience Programme, including published papers and rapid evidence reviews.
NRP Articles
Mosedale, S., Simpson, G., Popay, J., McGill, R., Cooper, P., Taylor, C., Fisher, K., and Sant, H. 2018. Tackling vulnerability to debt. Affordable lending alternatives and financial education: an evidence review. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26(3): 315 – 33.
Popay, J.M. and Porroche-Escudero, A. 2018. Supporting local systems to tackle the social determinants of health inequalities. In E. Ziglio (ed.) Health 2020 priority area four: creating supportive environments and resilient communities. A compendium of inspirational examples. Copehagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, pp. 123 – 133.
Ward, F., Popay, J.M., Porroche‐Escudero, A., Akeju, D., Ahmed, S., Cloke, J., Khan, K., Hassan, S. and Khedmati‐Morasae, E. 2020. Mainstreaming public involvement in a complex research collaboration: A theory‐informed evaluation. Health Expectations, 23 (4): 910 – 918.
Giebel, C., McIntyre, J.C., Alfirevic, A. et al. The longitudinal NIHR ARC North West Coast Household Health Survey: exploring health inequalities in disadvantaged communities. BMC Public Health 20, 1257 (2020).
Popay J, Kaloudis H, Heaton L, Barr B, Halliday E, Holt V, Khan K, Porroche-Escudero A, Ring A, Sadler G, Simpson G. System resilience and neighbourhood action on social determinants of health inequalities: an English case study. Perspectives in Public Health. 2022 Jul;142(4):213-23.
NRP Reviews
Private sector renting
Tracing absentee landlords: A rapid review of the evidence (Full report, December 2017)
Tracing absentee private sector landlords (Research summary, July 2017)
Social isolation and loneliness
Social isolation and loneliness: A review of the evidence (Briefing paper, February 2017)
Vulnerability to debt
Vulnerability to unmanageable debt: Very rapid review update (Full report, November 2017)
Credit unions: reducing vulnerability to debt (Research summary, July 2017)
Addressing vulnerability to debt: A review of the evidence (Research summary, March 2017)
Air quality
Local action to improve neighbourhood air quality (Full report, November 2017)
Littering and fly tipping
Local action to address littering and fly tipping in the UK (Full Report, October 2018)
Local action to address littering & fly tipping in the UK (Research summary, October 2018)
Area reputation
Area reputation and health inequalities: Scoping the evidence (Briefing paper, January 2019)
Use of community resources
Social isolation and loneliness
Social isolation and loneliness
Social isolation and loneliness – A review of the evidence
Vulnerabilty to debt
vulnerability to debt
Addressing vulnerability to debt – A review of the evidence
Credit unions: reducing vulnerability to debt
Vulnerability to unmanageable debt: Very rapid review update
Tackling vulnerability to debt. Affordable lending alternatives and
financial education: an evidence review.
Air quality
air quality
Local action to improve neighbourhood air quality
Littering and fly tipping
Littering and fly tipping
Author Name
Local action to address littering & fly tipping: in the UK
Publisher or any additional details
Author Name
Local action to address littering and fly tipping in the UK
Publisher or any additional details
Area reputation
area reputation
Area reputation and health inequalities – scoping the evidence
Use of community resources
Use of community resources
‘Buddying’ as an intervention to support individuals to access new places
or engage in new activities
Reviewing the evidence: Local government and resilience in an era of
References and documents
General resources
Here you will find an annotated bibliography of selected recent journal articles and reports presenting different perspectives on the concept of resilience and on place-based action to reduce health inequalities. There are also links to selected websites with useful material on resilience and action to reduce health inequalities.
Neighbourhood Resilience Programme documents
A collection of documents supporting the NRP including policies, role descriptions, background descriptive papers, monitoring and evaluation reports.