Neighbourhood Resilience Programme

The Neighbourhood Resilience Programme (NRP) was implemented in nine neighbourhoods in NW England between 2016 and 2019. It aimed to test a systems approach to enhancing collective capacities for local action on social and health inequalities.
To do this it sought to:
- shift local power dynamics so that local residents were equal partners in decisions and actions affecting their neighbourhoods and lives, alongside staff from third, public and private sector agencies. The Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN) was key to achieving this.
- support everybody living and working in the neighbourhoods and the organisations operating there to work together to improve the social determinants of health inequalities that are amenable to local action.
There was no new investment: the focus was on improving/redesigning existing services/activities informed by diverse evidence. More information on how the programme developed in each neighbourhood is provided in case studies and findings from an evaluation of the impacts are provided here.
Tool introduction
The Neighbourhood Resilience Interactive tool has been designed to share learning from the NRP with others working collaboratively to improve living conditions and health in neighbourhoods.
A short animation will help you navigate through the tool.
The tool can be used by individuals, groups or as a resource in workshops to help plan new initiatives or to improve established work. It is not a “How To’ manual. Rather it provides a reflexive space, with open questions encouraging users to explore what can be learnt about effective local action on social and health inequalities.
The tool has four main sections: a conceptual framework guided the selection of issues for local action; a set of principles shaped how those involved worked together and influenced the design of local actions; the programme infrastructure included building blocks present in all participating neighbourhoods; but implementation in neighbourhoods was shaped by local context.
There are also links to case studies illustrating how local implementation played out in the neighbourhoods, residents talking about their experience and some of the creative outputs they were involved in delivering.
We hope that the tool contributes to a shift away from the narrow focus on community resilience in place based initiatives aiming to address social and health inequalities to a more inclusive approach focused on neighbourhood system resilience and more equal relationships between residents and other players in these systems.
Website Sections

Case Studies
Case Studies
Read about how neighbourhoods in the Neighbourhood Resilience Programme took action to change local determinants of health inequalities and what impact they had.

NRP Tool
This interactive tool is based on learning from the Neighbourhood Resilience Programme. It has been designed to support people who wish to adopt a systems approach to enhancing resilience in place-based initiatives.