COREN in the NRP: Experiences and outputs

Hear COREN members talk about their experiences of involvement in the Neighbourhood Resilience Programme and see some of the knowledge for action they produced

Members experiences of the NRP

Researching local employment challenges:

Lisa and John talk about an NRP research project

John’s employment story

Intro for links to videos

The following videos are all available on YouTube and will open in a new tab in your browser.

Links to videos hosted on youtube

Getting together/sharing learning:

COREN members visit another neighbourhood for learning

Link to video on YouTube

Researching local transport challenges:

Residents of Haslingden documented their transport challenges and potential solutions

Link to video on YouTube


Charlotte’s story:

A resident’s experience of working in the NRP

Link to video on YouTube

The effects of indoor air pollution and how communities can get involved in efforts to reduce it

Link to video on YouTube

Haslingden - What's your story?

Local connectedness and social isolation:

Residents in one NFL tell their experiences of social connectedness and wellbeing

Stockbridge in Stories


Residents and local organisations in one NFL bring together their findings

Stockbridge in Stories - Hidden strategies with drugs and alcohol

Addiction and social isolation:

Local stories about hidden struggles with drugs and alcohol

Moss Bay

Job searching and employment:

Local experiences of practical obstacles to finding employment

St George's


Residents share how to transform an alley